Wednesday 17 February 2016

For the Love of Rowing

There are some things a competitive rower does for the love of the sport. Erging comes quite high up on most people's list. As do the early starts when it's cold and unpleasant outside. Another thing that features on that list will be circuit training.

Circuit Training

It is like passing through the seven rings of hell (if that's even a thing). Each hellish exercise is designed to make you stronger and fitter, and ultimately a better rower.

I get absolutely no satisfaction from circuit training. There are all sorts of things that the coaches find new and horrible uses for, such as Swiss balls, medicine balls, kettle bells, dumb bells, steps, benches, and ropes. The ropes are for skipping not for hanging yourself with, although it is very tempting!

This evening's session was no different. An hour of pure torture! We did each exercise for 1 minute, followed by 1 minute of skipping, and then the next exercise, more skipping, etc. for 1 hour.

Did I enjoy it at the time? No. Am I happy I did it? Hell yeah!

After the hour of fun, we did some resistance and core work on the mats, followed by stretching.

The gym at the rowing club was pretty much packed tonight. There were three squads using the ergs and the weights, and my squad doing circuits. We're all in it together!

And Beyond

The river is still quite high, so I don't hold out much hope of getting onto the water at the weekend, but I'm sure the coaches will find lots of stuff to keep me busy!

I've got a one-to-one erg session with my coach tomorrow so we can work on my technique. And then Friday is our day off. I have visions of Katsu curry with sticky rice and a crappy movie...

Anyway! I had a nice hot bath to soothe my muscles when I got home this evening, and I'm feeling good as new. How I feel in the morning will be another thing entirely...

Goodnight! :)

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