Friday 19 February 2016

Mad Dogs and Rowers

The ladies squad had priority use of the ergs yesterday evening, but people had other commitments so I was the only one who could make it. Our coach had said that she would come along to give me some pointers, but that didn't happen, so I did my own thing for 20 minutes. I just worked on my technique and trying to get a feel for the sequencing. I felt like I made some good progress.

It was fairly quiet at the club. There were 3 or 4 other people on the ergs at the same time as me, and the mens squad was using the weights for their strength and conditioning class.

Strength and Conditioning

When I was finished erging, I did some stretching on mats and I was in two minds about whether I should call it a day, or do one last set piece on the erg. Luckily I had an offer I couldn't refuse. The mens squad came over to the mat to finish off their session with some core work. They needed even numbers to do some of the exercises, but they were missing a body, so their coach asked if I wanted to join in and make up the numbers. Always one to embrace the punishing regime it takes to become a competitive rower, I said yes. The coach paired me up with his son, who was really encouraging and helpful throughout the session.

Train Like a Man

When I've seen the men training before, they make it look so easy. I thought us girls worked hard in our circuit training class... I stand corrected! Those guys work hard! It looks easy because they've worked for it! I felt like I'd been in a fight when I woke up this morning! I'm not aching, but I feel bruised! My ribs, and my lower back had a work-out like non other!

We did some exercises that I don't know the names of, but they were tough!

Don't Be a Push-over!

We did a variation of straight-leg leg-raises, were you lie on your back with your arms extended behind you so you can hold onto the ankles of your partner as they stand behind your head. You raise your legs straight up so your body and legs are at a right-angle, and your partner then shoves them back down (with force) but you mustn't let your legs hit the ground. They push your legs away either straight ahead, to the left or to the right, so you get to twist and strengthen your core at the same time. It was brutal! You do 20 reps, and only two sets (which I suspect was more for my benefit than the norm). You swap over between sets so you can stand for a bit whilst you recover, and you get to do the shoving.

The Crunch

Another exercise we did was crunches. Your partner holds your feet and you do crunches whilst holding a weight behind your head. I couldn't even do one of those, so that's one for me to practice! I held the weight on my chest instead.

These Are a Few of My Favourite Things... said no one ever!

We did some of the usual suspects, like lunges, lots of planks, some Russian twists with weights.

There was another exercise that the guys made look easy, but it was serious! You kneel down and keep your body upright from your knees. Your partner holds your feet in place, and you must gradually lean forward (keeping everything in line) as slowly and with as much control as possible before you fall completely forward into a push-up position. You must then launch your body back up in a single push-up motion, and lean forward again. Repeating the whole process. That worked out my legs, back and abs and shoulders like nothing else!

At one point, the coach took me away from the group to one of the pull-up bars. First, it was too high up for me to reach so I had to jump up and grab on! And then, he wanted me to pull my knees up and do a type of reverse crunch, but suspended in mid air. I did not think I could do it, but I managed a few. There was no limit on how many of those I had to do. I stopped when I was losing my grip on the bar.

One Plank Too Many... No Such Thing!

The class was punctuated with planks, and we ended the session with a plank. One of the guys next to me was chatting to me as we planked, but that was a punishable offence, so he had to do crab planks whilst the rest of us finished off. Brutal! I felt bad, but it's good for him.

The coach and the guys in the squad were very kind to me and very patient. It was a great session, and I shall certainly join in again if I am invited. The exercises are so effective, and I'm sure they get great results very quickly if you put the time in.

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