Thursday 4 February 2016

Yoga will Body Rock You to Fantastic Rowing

Flexibility in the hips is absolutely essential if you want to row without hurting your back. I see countless rowers hunched over as the reach for the catch, and it's a ticking time-bomb for their poor back and shoulders.

Forward Fold and Body Rock

The 'forward fold' is a key move in the yoga repertoire, and it simulates the rowing 'Body Rock', or 'Rock Over', move, which is at the beginning of the sequence of taking a stroke from back-stops. It stretches out your hamstrings and relieves the pressure on the back.

Stretch Your Way To Health

Stretching in general is so important for wellbeing. Whether you're an athlete or you sit at a desk all day. Our routines are full of repetitive movements with a limited range of motion, which can lead to tension and injury.

From Treat to Treatment!

Before I started yoga, the muscles in my back and shoulders would get really tight. A back massage was not a treat for me, it was a treatment! Since doing yoga, however, I don't need massages anymore. Yoga has made my core muscles so much stronger and my rowing is so much better!

The Core of the Problem

To clarify, the core muscles are not just your stomach. The core includes your sides and back. The centre of your body is your core. They are your muscle power-house! If the core is strong, supple and stable, it means that the rest of your limbs can get on with their jobs without having to overcompensate.

Start Your Yoga Practice Today

A friend of mine introduced me to this great website called After randomly trawling through YouTube previously, it was nice to have a central location with a library of fantastic yoga courses. I started off with the Erin Motz 30 Day Yoga Challenge and moved on from there. I have subscribed to a few of the course over the past year, and they are great!

Whatever your body goals are, yoga will change your body and your life in ways that you couldn't imagine. Hey, and if it's good enough for the England Rugby team, it's good enough for me :)

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